Editorial [1]: Human-Rights Report Shows Worldwide Anti-gay Abuses [2]

By : Kyleovision on Mar 25, 2007 - 03:19 PM
Editorial_1 [3]
From the Gay Republic Daily Editorial desk: The US State department has just issued its Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 2006, and it's chock full of criticism for a host of countries for their anti-gay policies; fully 143 countries are listed. Naturally, being produced by Americans, the report doesn't specify any anti-gay abuses for which the US is responsible... or does it?
Some excerpts:

"Iraq - There was societal discrimination and reported violence against individuals based on sexual orientation. Laws that criminalized sexual assault against minors were used in a manner that targeted homosexual youth. There were several reported examples of juveniles sentenced to up to 10 years in jail for having engaged in same-sex sexual relations.

"An advocacy group reported attacks on homosexual men by armed groups and militias during the year. For example, militias and men wearing police uniforms reportedly kidnapped at least five members of an advocacy group in al-Shaab, a poor Shi'a area of Baghdad in December. The mutilated body of one appeared several days later. Other reports of persons targeted because of their sexual orientation who were kidnapped or disappeared in Baghdad in the last months of the year included activists, a clothing store owner, and four barbers."

"Afghanistan - The law criminalizes homosexual activity; however, the prohibition was only sporadically enforced. However, a recent UNHCR report noted that, homosexual persons commonly hid their sexual orientation. Many observers believed that societal disapproval of [adult] homosexuality was partly the cause for the prevalence of rape of young boys."

Now, of course, the US can't be held responsible for everything that bad people do in a couple of faraway places where a couple of hundred thousand soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen are in Occupation mode.

But US support of the Iraqi government brought the death squads into the coalition and put them in those police uniforms. And support for Afghani warlords who enforce those anti-gay laws-- how ever 'sporadically' -- makes the US culpable for what happens to gay people because of them.

But then, I suppose we should expect nothing less from an Occupation run by guys like General Pace. Hmm?
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