News [1]: IDAHO Action in San Francisco To Support Russian Gays [2]

By : Sven Rabatzki on May 22, 2008 - 04:45 PM
Solidarity [3]
(USA) - Gay human rights activists in San Francisco staged a speak out at the Russian consulate on May 16, in conjunction with IDAHO events around the planet. Before showing up at the consulate, the group sent emails to the staff explaining their reason for coming -- to press the government to grant parade permits to Moscow's Gay pride event.

Picture of Gay activists in front of Russian consulate in San Francisco
Gay activists in front of Russian consulate in San Francisco.

The activists buzzed the security intercom and requested that an official come out, and a man who gave his name as Sergei stepped onto the sidewalk and accepted copies of recent news stories about Russian Gays efforts to organize a peaceful march.

Sergei engaged in a spirited discussion with Bob Goldstein and Hank Wilson about our deep concerns for the safety of Gay Russians, and not just at pride marches in every aspect of Russian life, culture and politics. Goldstein and Wilson explained that Gay solidarity with brothers and sisters worldwide was strong.

Gay youth advocate George Duvoisin asked Sergei if he would stand with the group as it held up its placards and a large rainbow flag, and he agreed to do so.

Photographs courtesy of Michael Petrelis.
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