Editorial [1]: The Banality of Evil [2]

By : vanrozenheim on Aug 11, 2007 - 10:29 PM
Editorial_2 [3]
The news of the remarks made by the Italian politician Giancarlo Gentilini, calling for the "ethnic cleansing" of homosexuals from the city of Treviso come as no big surprise. Not because the remarks were uttered by a genuine fascist known for his insanity, but because they reflect a state of mind which is more frequent than some "post-Gay" homosexuals comfort themselves to believe. This state of mind is determined by the light-hearted readiness to commit murder for the sole purpose as to get rid of a minor nuisance. Mind you, this remarks were made in a country where people get arrested for nothing more than kissing in front of the colosseum... Gives one to think.
Apparently, if the crime is sufficiently severe, some individuals are free from any liability. If Hitler went before Reichstag and made a heap in public, he would be declared mentally ill and safely put into asylum. Unfortunately, he went in front of Reichstag and declared in public that he desires to kill all the Jews -- the public was not in the least shocked, on contrary.

Now, the Italy of today is most assuredly not Germany of 1933, and words of Mr. Gentilini will find little public approval. One shall not think, however, that the general public is totally in disagreement with his opinions. Ask straight people in private what they think about the idea, and some 40% would probably confess that Gentini speaks what they think. Despite all what happened in Germany 1933-1945, despite of Jugoslavia massakres and despite the Rwanda genocide, this fellow dares to speak of "ethnic cleansing" as an acceptable option, and millions silently agree.

Certainly, he will soon claim he didn't mean it that way - but be assured, the latent (and not so latent) genocidal intent against the Gay people is well-preserved in straight hearts.

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