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History Gays

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Karl Heinrich ULRICHS (1825 - 1895), the first ever gay man to speak out publicly for civil rights of gay people;


Harvey MILK (1930 - 1978), the first ever openly gay US-politician elected to a public office;


Oscar WILDE (1854 - 1900), poet & playwright;


Harry HAY (1912 - 2002), co-founder of the Mattachine Society and of Radical Faeries;


Dr. Magnus HIRSCHFELD (1868 - 1935), physician, sexologist, and gay rights advocate.


Edward CARPENTER (1844 - 1929), poet and early gay rights activist;


Adolf BRAND (1874-1945) writer, publisher of the magazine "Der Eigene";


Larry KRAMER (1935 - living), author and gay rights activist;


Peter TATCHELL (1952 - living), gay rights campaigner, spokesman of Outrage!;


Dr. Franklin E. KAMENY (1925 - living), gay rights activist;


Bayard RUSTIN (1912 - 1987), civil rights activist;


Sir Ian MCKELLEN (1939 - living), actor;


Manfred BRUNS (1934 - living), lawyer and gay rights activist;


Rosa VON PRAUNHEIM (1942 - living) film director and gay rights activist;


Alan TURING (1912 - 1954) mathematician, logician, and cryptographer;


Peter TCHAIKOVSKY (1840 - 1893), composer;


Pierre SEEL (1923 - 2005), former KZ prisoner, gay activist;


Theodor WIDDIG (uncertain, ca. 1870 - ca. 1921+), cobbler in Cologne, early-day gay activist from the working class;


John Henry Mackay (1864 - 1933), writer;


Yukio MISHIMA (1925 -1970), writer;


Fyodor SOLOGUB (1863 - 1927), writer;


Craig SCHOONMAKER (?? - living), a gay rights activist, editor of HI! and co-founder of the "Expansionist Party of the United States";


Volker BECK (1960 - living), politician;


Klaus WOWEREIT (1953 - living), politician, mayor of Berlin (Germany);


Bertrand DELANOE (1950 - living) - politician, mayor of Paris;


Paul-Marie VERLAINE (1844 - 1896), poet;


Arthur RIMBAUD (1754 - 1891), poet;


Christopher ISHERWOOD (1904 - 1986), writer;


Michael DENNENY (?? - living), writer and editor;


Nokolai ALEXEJEV (?? - living), gay rights activist;


Fannyann EDDY (1974 - 2004), lesbian activist in Sierra Leone;


Brian WILLIAMSON (?? - 2004), gay rights aktivist in Jamaica.


Everett George KLIPPERT (1926-1996), the last person in Canada to be arrested, charged, prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned for homosexuality before its legalization in 1969; the reforms which led to Canadian legalization of homosexuality were a direct result of the Klippert case.


Roy COHN (1927-1986), Clout merchant & political kingmaker;


Guy BURGESS (1911-1963), Soviet spy;


Anthony BLUNT (1907-1983), Soviet spy;


Michel FOUCAULT (1926-1984), Philosopher & writer;


Jean GENET (1910-1986), Writer;


Marcel PROUST (1871-1922), Writer;


Rainer Werner FASSBINDER (1945-1983), Film director;


Gus Van SANT (1952- living), Film director


Wolfgang PETERSEN (1941-living), Film director


Pier Paolo PASOLINI (1922-1975), Poet, intellectual, film director, painter, activist & writer.


Thomas MANN (1875-1955), Writer.


André GIDE (1869–1951), Writer.